Moderator |
Associate Professor Zhao Chen |
Time |
15:30 on November 12, 2024 |
Address |
Electromagnetic Building 1 / F conference room |
Title: Antenna Design and application of Electromagnetic dipole fusion
Speaker: Prof. Lin Wei
Report time: 15:30, November 12, 2024
Presentation location: Conference Room, 1st Floor, Electromagnetic Building
Moderator: Associate Professor Zhao Chen

Wei Lin, Ph.D., is currently an Assistant Professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a Senior Member of IEEE. Dr. Lin received a bachelor's degree in engineering from South China University of Technology in 2009 and was recommended to pursue a master's degree in 2012. From August 2012 to August 2013, he worked as a research assistant at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He studied at the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter-Wave Terahertz of City University of Hong Kong and received his PhD in Electrical engineering in 2016. From October 2016 to September 2022, he served as postdoctoral fellow, Vice-Chancellor Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Dr. Lin is the 2021 Australian National Research Council Distinguished Young Scholar Fund recipient. From July to September 2022, he will be a visiting lecturer (Assistant Professor) in University College London, UK. Dr. Lin is one of the 2% highly cited scholars in the world according to the statistics of Stanford University. So far, he has published more than 100 journal and conference papers, among which 78 are the first author, and has won many international academic awards. Dr. Lin is the first IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society Global Young Ambassador, and serves as a member of the Best Paper Review Committee of the society and Secretary of IEEE AP/MTT Hong Kong Branch. Dr. Lin will serve as the associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, a top journal in the field, from 2023. Dr. Lin was selected into the 2024 Huawei Young Professor Talent Funding Program.
Abstract: This report will introduce a series of high efficiency rectenna antennas based on electromagnetic dipoles, omnidirectional circularly polarized antennas, and extremely high aperture efficiency antenna arrays. Electromagnetic dipole is the basic unit of antenna design. Through the organic combination of electromagnetic dipole antenna, the antenna and array can be applied in different occasions and have different efficiency. Firstly, the report will introduce a series of electromagnetic dipole rectenna based on electrically small orthogonal codirection of Huygens source. The aperture of effective absorption of electromagnetic waves is much larger than its physical size. Second, the report will present extremely high aperture efficiency Huygens source electromagnetic dipole antenna arrays, achieving close to 100% antenna aperture efficiency. Finally, an extremely compact omnidirectional circularly polarized antenna and array based on horizontally placed electromagnetic dipoles with a phase difference of 90 degrees are introduced.
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School of Electronic and Information Engineering
November 04, 2024